Friday, March 28, 2014


For those of you who don't know my Mom, Suzanne Campbell, is in the hospital.  In 2010 doctors discovered a growth in her back.  Since it was benign and not growing they said to leave it alone and keep an eye on it.  It was too close to her spine to remove.  Within the past month her back pain had returned and caused her T-9 vertebrae to collapse.  She has been in excruciating pain for the past few days and is awaiting surgery.  They are planning the surgery within the next week or two after testing and mapping on Monday/Tuesday.  They have just barely been able to find the right amount of heavy pain medicine to keep her comfortable, which is a huge relief.  Plans change each day as to the best procedure for her.  She is in no danger of spinal damage which we are grateful for.  She is anticipating a long road to recovery so if you would keep her in your thoughts and prayers she would really appreciate it.

I was thinking of putting together a slideshow for her of the people she loves that are far away.  If you would like to send me a picture or short video expressing your love for her I'm sure it would really brighten up her day!  I'll compile them and bring them on my trip Wednesday, April 2nd.  If you could have them sent to me by Monday night at the latest that would be great! My email address is

Thanks for your love and concern!
Abby Bonney

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Significance of the Sacrament

"The partaking of these emblems constitutes one of the most holy and sacred ordinances of the church."

How are you preparing for the sacrament each week?  What makes the sacrament meaningful to you?

It is impossible for weak mortals, and we are all weak, to fully comprehend the extent of the suffering of the Son of God.  We cannot realize the price He had to pay.

“For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; but if they would not repent, they must suffer even as I; which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit; and would that I might not drink the bitter cup and shrink—nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.” [D&C 19:16–19.]

...If we fully appreciated the many blessings which are ours through the redemption made for us, there is nothing that the Lord could ask of us that we would not anxiously and willingly do.

Lesson 7, Joseph Fielding Smith

Announcements this week...

A big THANKS to Kristi Jarrett and the board for planning such a wonderful RS birthday party!

Wednesday, March 26th, Jodi Peel is coordinating a trip to the Draper Temple for the 4:00 session.  If anyone is interested contact Jodi at (801) 571-3303.

Special Guest speaker John Lund will be giving an address on improving our relationships. This Friday, 7:00 p.m. at the Stake Center.

Saturday, March 29th is the General Women's Conference, 6:00 p.m. at the Stake Center.  All women, Young women and girls 8 years of age and older are encouraged to attend.  If you would like to attend the meeting at the conference center Robyn Goldy has some extra tickets.  Contact her directly for ticket information (801) 842-2341.

The RS presidency is in the process of making some visiting teaching changes that will take place in May.  Please call a member of the presidency with any visiting teaching concerns.

Please remember Sara Wolf, due to her recent surgery, and Pat Cutler as a result of her illness, in your prayers.

Love to all!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Faith and Repentance

Our lesson came from the Joseph Fielding Smith Manual, chapter 5, discussing Faith and Repentance.

President Joseph Fielding Smith taught, “The forgiveness of sins comes through faith and sincere repentance.”1 He said that “it is necessary, not merely that we believe, but that we repent,” and he also taught that when we perform good works in faith until the end, we will “receive the reward of the faithful and a place in the Celestial kingdom of God.”

To learn more about the teachings of President Joseph Fielding Smith on Faith and Repentance click on the link below.  There is also a link to a video suggested by the church's website about true repentance.

True Repentance Brings Hope
Lesson Manual: Chapter 5


Don't forget to celebrate the Relief Society birthday this Wednesday, March 19th @ 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy dinner, friends, and a great presentation by Lana Henry about her humanitarian service in India. Carpool with your neighbors and visiting teachers to this address: 13378 Aintree Ave. and we will see you there!

For all you FACEBOOKERS out there check out the Mormon Women Stand page and like to stay up to date with the Church and their support of Women.

Also 3 beautiful members o four Relief Society are in Broadway Family Favorites at Corner Canyon High School.  Christine Miller, Kerri Marsh and Janene Tanner will be performing with their children on March 21st, 22nd, and 24th.  The show is amazing with a lot of very amazing songs from shows like Cinderella, Wicked, Newsies, Little Mermaid and much more.  Check out the link below and support our friends in their performances!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Pornography Conference

A letter was shared today in Relief Society inviting us to participate in the 12th annual Utah Coalition Against Pornography Conference.

"Pornography has devastating effects throughout society.  You can encourage change for good by becoming aware of the risks of pornography, understanding the solutions, and learning to talk openly about the issue.  The speakers are national leaders and local experts who will share insight into many aspects of this critical threat.  Don't miss this opportunity to become more informed and prepare to help others and speak up about the harm of pornography.  You are an essential part of the solution!" (selection from the website)

The conference will be held March 22nd, from 8:00 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. at the Little America Hotel.

Decisions for Eternity

Sunday's lesson was on the General Conference address titled "Decisions for Eternity," given by Elder Russell M. Nelson.  Attached is the link to the talk and a video that was shared.  We hope this message strengthens your testimony of the miraculous power and gifts that our bodies can provide in the divine plan we call mortality.

Decisions for Eternity 
God's Greatest Creation

We hope the spirit of peace is with you this week as you carry your burdens and lift those of others around you.
Your Relief Society Presidency

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Birthday Party!


It's that time again, time to celebrate the Relief Society's day of birth!
The party will be March 19th at 6:30 p.m.  It will be held at Lana Henrey's home.  Dinner will be served and we will hear from Lana about her humanitarian trip to India.  If possible, try to carpool to the event as there will be limited parking.
Lana's address is:
13378 Aintree Ave.

We look forward to seeing you all there to celebrate!
RS Presidency

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Special Links


We would like to invite you to attend the General Women's Meeting, March 29th at 6:00 p.m.  Click on the link below to find out more information and read about their decision to invite all women ages 8 and older to attend.

Another link, below, is the video that was shared on Sunday during out Relief Society lesson.

We would also invite you to read Pres. Uchtdorf's talk "No Ordinary Blessing". Join with us in seeking to understand the importance of General Conference and prepare for this April's meeting.

We hope these messages and opportunities will strengthen your testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ and his restored gospel on the earth.  We love you and pray for you.

Relief Society Presidency