For those of you who don't know my Mom, Suzanne Campbell, is in the hospital. In 2010 doctors discovered a growth in her back. Since it was benign and not growing they said to leave it alone and keep an eye on it. It was too close to her spine to remove. Within the past month her back pain had returned and caused her T-9 vertebrae to collapse. She has been in excruciating pain for the past few days and is awaiting surgery. They are planning the surgery within the next week or two after testing and mapping on Monday/Tuesday. They have just barely been able to find the right amount of heavy pain medicine to keep her comfortable, which is a huge relief. Plans change each day as to the best procedure for her. She is in no danger of spinal damage which we are grateful for. She is anticipating a long road to recovery so if you would keep her in your thoughts and prayers she would really appreciate it.
I was thinking of putting together a slideshow for her of the people she loves that are far away. If you would like to send me a picture or short video expressing your love for her I'm sure it would really brighten up her day! I'll compile them and bring them on my trip Wednesday, April 2nd. If you could have them sent to me by Monday night at the latest that would be great! My email address is
Thanks for your love and concern!
Abby Bonney
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