Thursday, May 29, 2014



Birthday boxes for the orphanage are due tomorrow May 30!!  Please make sure that you bring them to Angie Bloechel home opened so that they can be check properly for mailing.  A huge HUGE THANK YOU to Angie and her family for making this activity so much fun and for shipping them for us!!  Thank you Angie!!

Update on Cooper White

From Jana White's Facebook status:

"Today is an amazing day for us.....Cooper has responded to us again, shook his head for yes, opened his eyes, gave us another thumbs up and grabbed his Dad's hand again.  We are feeling so blessed amongst this tragedy.  Keep your prayers coming, they are working!!!! Miracles do happen! :)"

Please continue to keep this dear family in your thoughts and prayers.  Our strong Cooper has a tough battle ahead of him so sending positive energy his way would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ward Fast

We have had a tragic accident in our ward family. Jana and Brenden White's family were on atv's this afternoon. Jana's parents had Cooper (their 8yr old) and his cousin in a side by side atv. They had an accident, both of Jana's parents passed away and Cooper and his cousin were life flighted to primary childrens. We are asking the ward to start a fast right now, through tomorrow, for Cooper and their family. Cooper is in critical condition. I don't have any other details. Please please pray for them! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Activity Tuesday

We have an exciting announcement!  Our activity on Tuesday will be combined with all women, activity day girls and older!  Come on May 20th, 6:00 p.m., at the church where Sister Angie Bloechel will be talking to us about putting together Birthday Boxes for the orphanages in Ukraine.  Salads will be served.