Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Ponderizing Before Ponderizing Was Cool

Hi Sisters in Zion!  (if you are here, you are in Zion, CB)

How we love you and that Savior and Redeemer of ours Jesus Christ!

Our October Sister2Sister Scripture is
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  Philippians 4:13

Take care of yourself and each other,

It's good to be alive especially when you know you are not alone.


cc3rs presidency

P.S. Hear Draper Corner Canyon HS graduate Tanner Townsend sing "I Can Do All Things".


There's a voice that tells me I'm not good enough, enough.
In my head, I can choose to believe it or not, or not.
And I know what I will choose, I will listen to the truth
With my Savior by my side, I'm not afraid.

I can do all things.
No mountain I can't climb;
There's nothing I can't be.
Oh, no matter how hard it may seem
I can do all things.

There's a call that resonates inside my heart, my heart.
To leave it all and go and serve my fellow man, and do my part.
And I know what I will choose, I will listen to the truth
With my Savior by my side, I'm not afraid.


Oh, even those who feel alone
Teaching others He is there;
Don't have to make it on their own.
